Friendsday Wednesday - Dublin, Ireland

This year for St Patrick’s Day Beth decided we would call Dublin, Ireland to make a new friend. She found a pet store called Maxi Zoo. Bad Idea. 

Maxi Zoo is like the Petsmart of Ireland and the guy who answered the phone was way to busy to talk to us. Beth wasn’t going to give up and she called O’briens Wine Shop. Bad Idea. 

It was ST PATRICK’S DAY and we called a wine shop...What were we thinking!

Finally we called a local artist named John Brady at his office. It’s St. Patrick’s Day surely he wasn’t too busy to take our call. He wasn’t and he is our new Irish friend. Beth is even going to visit him when she goes to Ireland. 

Listen to the full conversation below and check out John Brady Art here.

Friendsday Wednesday - Dublin, Ireland

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